
Progress in Radiology 2018
Welcome to the official website for The 12th Symposium of the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society (JSRS) and the 15thNordic Japan PACS Symposium. The conference will be hosted in Bergen, Norway, from 13 – 15 June 2018.
This website will provide you with the most up-to-date information for the Conference, and will be regularly updated prior to the event in June 2018.
Copyright: Bergen Reiselivslag/Gjertrud Coutinho
Invitation and call for abstracts
We are delighted to invite submissions of abstracts for the 12th Symposium for the Japanese Scandinavian Radiological Society (JSRS) and the 15th Nordic Japan PACS Symposium in Bergen 13-15 June, 2018.
Submissions are welcome for consideration as a an oral paper presentation and/or or as a poster presentation.
Abstracts may be submitted until 15 January 2018
Please find more information and the link for abstract submission here
Registration will open in February and will be announced by email and on the website:
We hope to see you in Bergen in June 2018!
On behalf of President of Progress in Radiology 2018, Prof. Ingfrid Haldorsen